Elevator v1.0.0 API Reference
Module is an interface between elevator server and executable
Module for handling and setting up the Node Network, and communication between nodes
A struct for the orders handled, with a direction and a floor number. Basis courtesy of @jostlowe, modified by us
Module for receiving and handling orders form Poller and NetworkHandler and synchronizing orders
A Supervisor that keeps track and restarts entire program upon request or crash, using the one_for_all strategy, as well as being the entry point for the entire program
Module for polling the DriverInterface to the hardware and passing the information
A struct for the State of the elevator, direction and (last registered) floor Basis co urtesy of @jostlowe, modified by us
Module for the state of an individual elevator, for controlling the execution of orders, ensures own backup and makes sure lights are correct
Module for backing up the state of an individual elevator and updating the NetworkHandler when this state changes, and sending a request to the NetworkHandler. If the elevator has become inactive for more than 5 seconds, e.g. because of a motor stop